Thank you for your consideration to donate to the Blair Museum of Lithophanes. Mr. Laurel Blair dedicated his life to collecting Lithophanes. His passion is shown through the large variety of pieces he collected over his lifetime.
The Blair Lithophane Collection will retain forever the name of Laurel Blair. We greatly appreciate those who consider making a special gift to help fund the on going display and cast for the museum and the collection.
Thank you for your consideration.
Member Benefits of the Blair-Schedel Affiliation:
Joseph and Marie Schedel’s 1887 Victorian home provides an apropos context in which to experience lithophanes, an artform which emerged in the 19th century.
Members and visitors will have greater access to the Blair collection as the Museum will be open during regular hours of operation at Schedel Gardens. (10am - 4pm, Tuesday - Saturday, and Sunday, noon to 4pm from May through October; 10am - 4pm, Tuesday - Friday in April)
Schedel Gardens will honor Blair Lithophane Memberships and promote renewals to Schedel Gardens, ensuring continuing value and access to Blair Lithophane Museum Members.
Schedel Gardens membership includes benefits through the American Horticultural Society’s Reciprocal Admissions Program at nearly 300 botanical gardens in North America.
Members will receive invitations to special events and be among the first to see the Blair collection in its new home at a special Members Only event. (see below)

Kroger Community Rewards
The easiest way to support the Museum every time you shop. Just register your Kroger Plus Card at krogercommunityrewards.com. Use the organization number RM032. This will not affect your discounts or fuel points. There is no cost to you. Every time you shop with your Kroger Plus Card, Kroger will credit the Museum with a donation. You must re-register every year in April to continue your donations to the Museum.